Payasa Art News


So Much to say!

Some Exciting Updates:

The Main Website has been updated! It has a new, cleaner look and better focus, I think. :)

I’ve been feeling restless and have decided to really dedicate some time to the serious development of my career as a digital artist. 

New Series!

I’ve started a new series of timed figure drawings. In order to keep my skills sharp and keep improving, My goal is to create a new biotech figure drawing each week in under 10 hours. So Far I have completed 3, two of which I hope to sell as NFTS and Prints.

This has been an incredible series to work on, and I’m learning so much about myself and my process. 

Payasa Art and Skellybots are on Twitter! Follower Counts: 70/107

I finally broke down and got a twitter account, but. So far I’m really enjoying it! Stay up to date @ArtPayasa

(Don’t forget about Instagram and Facebook)

Like my stuff? Buy me a coffee!

Current supporter count: 11

Your support means the world to me and is positively life changing, no matter the amount!

Skellybot Commissions soft launch: 

Head over to and snatch up one of 10 commission slots! Get a Skellybot for you (and/or a friend!)

Become a member and get swag, first looks, and BTS speed drawing and process videos!

Payasa Art has entered the NFT space!

Super proud to be in the first Niftorian NFT Accelerator Cohort!

I’m learning so much its blowing my mind! I can’t thank these folks enough for being great human beings and teachers.

More soon!

Coming Soon-

  • A complete list of skellybots- that you can add suggestions to!

  • NFT Skellybot collectibles and PFP’s and Payasa Art Pieces

  • New Equipment for my shop (SO GRATEFUL) to aid in the distribution of Prints!


See you soon!

-C. Payasa Moses

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