May Newsletter- Short break, Big Goals!
Hello Fellow Payaso’s and Skellys
The May Update is here!
There’s been a short hiatus on any skellybots work due to work obligations (I teach theatre, and its spring musical season!) I have been working on prepping for the next phase between rehearsals, being covered in paint, and glue gun burns— so here are some updates:
Skellybots are still being minted at biweekly intervals! Every other Saturday Is mint day! The original collection is still coming out on foundation, and research files and other fun stuff are being listed on opensea. Skellybots singles are on objkt. Research file drawings will continue after May 15th.
Took a little time to restructure, and decided to update my Patreon! (And I also forgot to take it off my business cards lol) Check out membership levels and member perks by clicking below.
500 followers on any platform by 2023
100 members on BMAC or Patreon (or combination of both) by Mid year 2023
100 research files collected by December
$1200 a year In nft sales (Small number, I know!)
At least 3000 a year in nft earning, Merch, etc by 2025
Merch expansion, first with Merch websites and then from a home shop!
Bots animation begun by 2024
Completion of the Bots’ Origins Comic by 2023
Creating a database of links for partner projects on website as soon as possible
100 members on discord by 2023
The Start of a YOUTH NFT class by fall 2022.
Some other exciting projects-
Payasa Art will be dropping a limited collection of 10 graffiti pieces. Graff was my re-introduciton to art and pulled me back in after I had given up, so I’m revisiting it to do some fun retro inspired pieces. These will be available on the ethereum blockchain by the end of May 2022.
Skellybots have partnered with Dirty South Burlesque and Cabaret to release a limited edition build your own bot and burleskelly sticker series. These will only be available online through the dirty south website or locally at the DSBC shows.
Get the exclusive stickers by clicking the button below! These won’t be sold anywhere else.
How You can support Payasa Art and Skellybots!
Simply sharing, liking, and helping hype up the art! Just a few shares and likes and RT’s can make a huge difference.
Visiting Payasa Art on IG, FB, and Twitter
Picking up a Skellybots or Payasa Art NFT
Subscribing to BMAC or Patreon!
Filling out a research file- It takes less than 5 minutes to make your mark on skellybots history!
Joining the Payasa’s Plaza Discord channel!
Looking forward to getting back into these projects refreshed and ready to rock!