Broken Guitar, Finale

So, i’m pretty excited and surprised about this guitar project and how it turned out. I work mostly two dimensional but I love doing things that bridge the gap between two and three dimensional work. This particular project i’ve been working on for a few months, and its conclusion ended up aligning with some really dark times. I never give anything a title too quickly, I like to sit with it and think about it and make sure its right. I had decided on something like New Life, or something, but I decided to go with the Latin “Vita Nova”, in honor of the daughter of a very close friend that recently passed away, who was named Nova.

With this piece I wanted to continue to explore the links between tech, spirituality, and life, but with a hopeful message. I have this tendency to incorporate alot of layers of meaning into something, as well as physical layers. (I think that’s why I love photoshop so much, ha!) So a broken guitar gets a new life; a reality of cold connectedness that we have still has beautiful things growing in it and around it.

What a week.

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